Featured Translation Projects

IT and Gaming Industry
In charge of the translation of several games for a highly renowned game development company in Korea including, among others, Metal Slug Infinity, Coin Blossom and Dicast.

US Election Material
Documents, letters and instructions to be used during the recurring elections in the US, such as: Instructions to voters, candidate’s statements, applications, arguments for and against
measures proposed, voting rights and obligations, requirements, oaths of absentee voters, speeches, messages to citizens, etc.

Hotel and leisure industry
Translated over 500.000 words of hotel descriptions and on-line text for a large-scale hotel chain of all-suites hotels including the descriptions of each hotel and the services and amenities offered.

Brochures on nutrition and dietetics issued by a group of hospitals in the US. Bulletins providing advice to patients on several issues: breast cancer, tobacco, alcohol awareness, blood pressure, colon cancer, hepatitis C, congestive heart failure, prostate cancer, flu and pneumonia, diabetes, depression, etc. Brochure advising patients on a variety of options of Medicaid and Long-Term Care Services for Adults. Privacy Practices Notices and In Patient Guides of several US hospitals. Brochure advertising monitoring
devices for hospitals. Storyboard – diabetes (key points, symptoms, classification, diagnostic criteria, risk factors, etc.)

300-page brochure on career opportunities, career trends and jobs in demand in a State of the US. Special Education Support Systems. Brochure for parents of children with disabilities explaining the processes, evaluations and services available for their children including the procedural safeguards available to them. Activities guide on careers choices.
Translated all sorts of school materials for US schools such as calendars, applications, newsletters, performance tasks and reports, etc.

Multi Level Marketing
Preferred translator at several multi-level marketing and network marketing companies that market and distribute products
such as bioactive beverages of noni, mangosteen and other juices as well as beauty and personal care products, teas, food products, skin care and dietary supplements. I have translated a wide range of marketing materials such as websites, brochures, booklets, labels,
manuals, emails and instructions for these companies and, all in all, I have translated approximately 700.000 words (i.e. 1700 A4

Translated over 500.000 words over seven years of material related to the cosmetics industry including brochures and marketing material of makeup, skin care products and fragrances. Also, instructions and guidelines for beauty advisors and sellers of major beauty brands in the cosmetics field.

User and Installation Manuals
Translation into Spanish of the whole product line of a renowned company specialized in label, barcode and thermal printers.

GPS Navigation Software
Translation of a all navigation instructions and User Interfaces of a GPS navigation software consisting of 60.000 words.